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Planning Board Minutes 01/18/2006

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of January 18, 2006
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Ben Gitlow, Barbara Gray, Gerald Parent, David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Excused:        Harriet Miller, Alfred Pickard
Chairman O’Connell opened the meeting and the Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m.

Public Hearing:  Road Name Change
The Board considered the request to rename a portion of Cranberry Hollow Rd. to Sandy Lane.  The 20 ft. wide section of road abutted by Parcels 140, 141, 170 and 171 on Map 29 originates at Pilgrim Spring Rd. and leads into the Cranberry Hollow Rd. circle.  Gerald Parent moved to accept the name change.  David Rowell seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Gerald Parent moved to close the Public Hearing; Barbara Gray seconded; the hearing closed at 7:10 p.m.

Informal Discussion of Preliminary Subdivision of Map 30, Parcels 31 & 32
Ron Singer came forward to discuss his proposed subdivision of Map 30, Parcel 32 into two lots.  Because Parcel 32 is landlocked, this would require a 40 ft. road across Parcel 31.  He asked about decreasing the width of the road but was informed that only the pavement could be less than 40 ft.  The Board expressed concern about the curb cut onto Route 6.  The radius for the curb cut was not shown on the Preliminary Subdivision plan which he had presented.  Ben Gitlow indicated he would vote against this plan for safety reasons.  Other means of access to Parcel 32 were considered, but a road across Parcel 31 seemed like the most viable solution.  Planning Board would need to see the curb cut plans for Parcel 31.  David Rowell suggested that Singer go back to ZBA and modify the Special Permit for Parcel 32.  

Bylaw Changes
No official responses had been received regarding the proposed Zoning By-law revisions.  However, both Gerald Parent and David Rowell reported hearing favorable comments from the Building Inspector and Health Agent in regards to Article C.  Former Planning Board Member and present Chair of the Board of Water Commissioners, Mark Berry, was in attendance and participated in discussion from the floor.  The By-law changes were written in Warrant Article form for Annual Town Meeting.

Article C
The Cottage Colony definition was examined.  PB members agreed that condominium conversions did not constitute change of use, just change of ownership.  The definition was rewritten as “Cottage Colony – a group of two or more dwellings located on the same lot.  Each dwelling is designed for independent family living including cooking facilities.”  The Board discussed the affects of lifting seasonality from cottage colonies and condos.  An older colony or condo could seek a Special Permit to go year-round.  A new cottage colony could create a true cluster development.  New cottage colonies are allowed in four districts.

Article B
Examples in 6.11 Condominium #1 are to include “seasonal use” and “year-round use.”

Article A
Section 9.2 proposes a Main St. Overlay District.  Chair O’Connell read and discussed item by item questions that Ben Gitlow had raised in a memo regarding spot zoning, architectural review and Site Plan Review.  Peterson said that without specific criteria, PB could not require a design review.  The Board did agree that the whole Overlay District could be called a Development of Significant Impact.  As a DSI, any project would come before Planning Board.  This designation would be written into Section 6.3.13 as well as Section 9.2.  

Section 9.5 would add the allowed uses but keep the existing schedule.
The Board also considered Bob Costa’s letter dated December 28, 2005, regarding uses for 335 Main St.

Article D
There were some questions regarding Residential setbacks for residential use in a Commercial Zone.  Peterson said he will have Town Counsel check on this.

Article F
Peterson will also check with Town Counsel to determine if a Scenic Road By-law should be in the General By-laws or the Zoning By-laws.  The list of 3 roads is included as a footnote to the by-law.

Minutes of 1/7/05
Barbara Gray moved to approve the minutes of December 7, 2005.  O’Connell seconded; the motion carried 4-0-1.

The Truro Planning Board had sent a notice for a Public Hearing for a proposed By-law change regarding lot shape.

Other Business
O’Connell moved to approve the Annual Report; Parent seconded; the motion carried 5-0.

Rex Peterson said that the Budget requests for FY07 would remain the same.

Ben Gitlow invited PB members to the next LCPC meeting March 31 at 10:30 a.m. for a discussion of traffic on Route 6.

Gray moved to adjourn; Gerald Parent seconded; the motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
